Kitchen Secrets

Baked Chicken Drumstick

Due to the "Once Upon a Time" drama that we've been hanging out with lately, I slept in the morning and woke up quite late (it's natural if we watch half of the season in 1 night). I had a delicious breakfast with a mix of vegetables + protein.

On weekend trips, pure protein days become a scourge because I can't find anything out without fat or vegetables. For this reason, I can increase the protein + vegetable day to 2 days this weekend, I think I will at least consume meat salads.

Yesterday morning, I had a little getaway for the first time by eating some yellow chickpeas. For the last 1-2 days, late at night, my feet and sometimes my elbows have been itchy, I don't know if it's diet related. Have any of you experienced something like this?

Baked chicken drumstick While preparing the recipe, I used potatoes. Normally, those who are in the attack and cruise phase of the Dukan diet are strictly forbidden to consume, so you can also use vegetables such as cauliflower, celery, broccoli. Therefore, you can only eat meat and anything other than potatoes. I prepared this recipe for my wife and myself, it is necessary to think about those who do not diet at home, right? :)


Ingredients for Baked Chicken Drumstick Recipe

How to Make Baked Chicken Drumstick Recipe?

  1. Wash your chicken thighs and put them in a covered baking dish. Rub with olive oil and spices on it.
  2. Chop onions, potatoes and carrots. Add the chopped vegetables on the thighs and mix.
  3. Place the oiled chicken on the vegetables and add 1 glass of water.
  4. Close the lid of your oven door and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour.
  5. Open the lid of your baking dish and cook it uncovered for 20-25 minutes. (Don't forget to check if it's cooked with a knife)
  6. Serve the fried baguettes hot.

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