Kitchen Secrets

Fruity Fake Chicken Breast

Dear Ufuk Özgül's delicious recipe, which I wanted to publish for a long time but could not publish, is finally with you. Well done Ufukcum, a very practical, delicious and stylish recipe… Milk desserts with fruit and ice cream are always my favourites…

Fruity False Chicken Breast
Fruity False Chicken Breast

Ingredients for Fruity False Chicken Breast Recipe

250/3 of 4 g oil pack
1 liter milk
1 water glass flour
1,5 cup powdered sugar
1 pack of mastic gum
ice cream
petit beurre biscuits

How to Make a Fruity False Chicken Breast Recipe?

1- Put the butter in the pan and melt it.
2- Add the flour into it, fry it until it becomes lumpy and white.
3- Add sugar and milk little by little. Be careful not to clump. Stir until the milk begins to boil and thicken.
4- When it boils, add the mastic gum, take it off the stove and mix it with a mixer.
5-When the consistency is like paste, pour the pre-crushed cocoa powder on a 17-inch laptop-sized tray and smooth it out with a spoon.
When it comes to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator, let it rest for 1 hour.
6- Serve with your favorite fruit and ice cream according to the season (nectarine, pomegranate, strawberry, cherry, banana are the best ones)

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