Kitchen Secrets

But Nazik

This dish, which differs from region to region from house to house, like its name, Ali Nazik, has a gentle hand and a gentle hand, is the apple of the eye of eggplant lovers like me. If you like to work and have a sharp knife (for example, cook art), you can chop the vegetables for a long time and enjoy.

My advice is to use butter if you are making this dish.

Ali Nazik

The interest shown in the campaign and the beautiful recipes sent make me very happy. Good luck to the hands and efforts of the friends who participated and started cooking to participate.


Ingredients for Ali Nazik Recipe

For the sauce:


  1. Tomatoes, peppers, onions are very finely chopped with a sharp knife (if you're too lazy, you can shred them in the rondo).
  2. Take the butter in the pan and melt it. Fry the minced meat and your finely chopped ingredients on medium heat until it releases its water and absorbs it.
  3. Crush the garlic by adding a little salt in a pestle. Finely chop the roasted eggplants on a cutting board.
  4. Fry the tomato paste and butter for 2-3 minutes and remove from the stove.
  5. Mix the garlic, eggplant and yoghurt and transfer to the serving plate. Spread the meat mixture you prepared on it and serve with the tomato paste sauce on it.

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