Kitchen Secrets

Pumpkin Soup

A healthy and delicious soup like Miss. Soups made with fresh vegetables are very popular these days, where confidence in ready-made products is gradually decreasing. As always, my zucchini soup, which meets you with my practical recipe, will be one of the indispensables of your tables.

When you tell them what soup you are making, there may be some sneezing. I think you should not tell anyone and enjoy the comments after tasting. For example, the last time I cooked it, my wife said that the lentil soup was great, but when she learned that it was actually pumpkin soup, she was quite surprised :))

You can try this soup by adding flour, milk and dill, and you can add a different flavor.

We are starting a great campaign on Monday, I have a surprise gift for you. Again, you will send your recipe and take your gifts home. Start preparing your recipes and wait for Monday persistently, that's what I tell you :)

Love to All…

Ingredients for Pumpkin Soup Recipe

How to Make Pumpkin Soup Recipe?

  1. Peel and dice all the vegetables.
  2. Take the olive oil in the pot, add the vegetables and fry for 4-5 minutes on medium heat.
  3. Add water and continue cooking on medium heat until the vegetables are completely soft. (You can add water if it is missing.)
  4. Pass the softened vegetables in the blender until they reach a smooth consistency in the pot.
  5. Serve hot, seasoned with salt and spices.

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