Kitchen Secrets

Homemade Cherry Juice

Hello Dear Friends,

I think one of the best forms of cherry is fruit juice made at home. Next comes the cheesecake top and then the jam :)

One of the simplest and most refreshing summer recipes is homemade cherry juice. Of course, as with every recipe, there are some tricks.

The most important of these is not to mix too much while cooking. If you mix too much, you will cause the cherries to disperse and become cloudy in the juice.

When you leave it alone, when the cherries crack and give their color completely to the water, the juice is already ready.

The amount of sugar can vary according to your taste and the sweetness of the cherry. You can keep this water in the refrigerator or use it for making jelly, jelly or sorbet.

Hmm… It's good that the sorbet came to my mind :)


Note: When I weighed the remaining sour cherry, it came to 550 gr. So you can make from half a kilo; no need for a smash.

Ingredients for Homemade Cherry Juice Recipe

How to Make Homemade Cherry Juice Recipe?

  1. Separate the stems of the cherries and wash and drain well. Put them in a medium saucepan without removing the seeds.
  2. Add water on top and start boiling over medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook for about 15-20 minutes until the cherries crack and give their color to the water.
  3. When the cherries give their color to the water, add the sugar and mix carefully without crushing the cherries.
  4. Boil for another 5 minutes and remove from heat. When the cherry juice has completely cooled, strain and bottle it.
  5. Serve cold with ice. (A little cold water can also be added if desired.)



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