Kitchen Secrets

Steak Salad

The combination of meat and salad, in my opinion, constitutes one of the lightest and most balanced meals. When you combine the lean steak grill and low-calorie salad ingredients, it turns into a feast for those who are on a diet.


What you need to do is to gather your favorite salad ingredients and serve it with the meat you grill. Balsamic vinegar is a wonderful sweetener that stimulates your palate and makes you feel full. I recommend you try balsamic vinegar instead of pomegranate sauce.


Ingredients for Steak Salad Recipe

For the sauce:

How to Make Steak Salad Recipe?

  1. Separate the lettuce into leaves, wash and chop together with the tomatoes and cucumbers.
  2. Season your lean steak with salt and pepper, put it on the grill. Cook both sides equally.
  3.  While the steak is cooking, mix all the ingredients with the sauce and transfer to the serving plate.
  4. Take your roast beef on a cutting board and slice it, arrange it over the salad and serve while hot.

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