Kitchen Secrets

Variety with Green Tomatoes

Hello dear friends,

As a matter of fact, I didn't like all kinds of food in my childhood. For many years, I would avoid the kitchen even while I was cooking. At the end of my 30s, I somehow started cooking again, but this time I was looking forward to all kinds of cooking. Think about it, throw a little pot of whatever you have at home, here is a very practical and delicious meal :)

I think the increase in our fondness for cooking pots is a little related to age and a little bit to the vegetables we grow in our own mini garden :) Regarding the taste, I don't like all of them raw (onions, tomato paste without roasting) I understood this better.

This time, I added green tomatoes on recommendation and I loved it. Green tomato with olive oil and don't forget to try my green tomato fries recipes too.


Ingredients for Green Tomato Spice Recipe

How to Make a Green Tomato Spice Recipe?

  1. First, wash all the vegetables and let them drain. Sort the green beans and chop them coarsely.
  2. Peel the eggplant variegated and cut into large cubes. Chop the potatoes and green tomatoes into the same sizes.
  3. Chop the tomatoes, onions, garlic and tomatoes for edibles.
  4. Fry the onion and olive oil, add the tomato, tomato paste, garlic and fry.
  5. Put all the chopped ingredients in the pot. Add salt and sugar and mix.
  6. Cover the pot and cook on low heat until all the vegetables are tender.

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