Kitchen Secrets

Spinach Pie

I wanted to make a cake these days, so I grabbed a cup mold that I bought at home a long time ago and was looking for a chance to use. I rolled up my sleeves for a practical, different and delicious recipe. Chocolate lovers, who read the title, may say whether there is spinach in the cake, but I recommend you to try it once before opposing :) The sweet green tone that the spinach puree gives to the sponge cake adds an air like pine nuts to the cake. Besides, nobody wants to piss off the Popeye, right? :)

love to you all


Ingredients for Spinach Pie Recipe

3 pieces of eggs
2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoons of oil
1 cups granulated sugar
1 packet of baking powder
1 packet of vanillin with sugar
1 cup spinach puree

Pastry Cream:

1,5 water glass milk
1 pieces of eggs
3 tablespoons of starch
4 tablespoon of granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar (can be reduced)
2 spoonful butter

Spinach Pie
Spinach Pie

Cake coating:

1 package of plain whipped cream
1 glass of cold milk

How to Make Spinach Pie Recipe?


Wash half a bunch of spinach with plenty of water and boil it in a small saucepan with enough water to cover it. Drain the boiled spinach and pass it through the rondo.

Beat the eggs and sugar until they turn white, as in any sponge cake and cake. Add the oil, flour, baking powder and vanilla sifter and whisk some more.

Add the spinach puree last and mix until completely mixed. Pour into the mold that has been greased with margarine on the entire inner surface. Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 30 minutes (check by pressing lightly in the middle before taking it out of the oven, if it is soft, bake for another 5-10 minutes). It is useful to bake the sponge cake one day in advance.

Put the ingredients of the pastry cream in a saucepan and mix and cook on medium heat until it thickens (it should be darker than the pudding). Remove from heat to cool and stir occasionally.

Cut your cooled and rested sponge cake into layers (I usually bake it a day in advance for easy cutting). Spread a generous amount of cooled pastry cream on each layer.

Whisk the whipped cream with 1 glass of cold milk and coat the outside of your cake. Chill in the refrigerator until serving.

You can use the crumbs that come out while cutting the sponge cake as decoration on the cake.

How to prepare a sponge cake mold?

How to separate sponge cake layers?

How to Assemble Cake?

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