Kitchen Secrets

Ready Ravioli

One of the only meals you can make in the evenings without much effort when you come back from work is both practical and delicious.

Don't ask if there is a recipe for ready-made ravioli, try it :)

Ready Ravioli


Ingredients for Ready Ravioli Recipe

For the sauce:

How to Make Ready Ravioli Recipe?

  1. Take the boiling water in the pot, add 1 tablespoon of salt and oil and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. When the water boils, throw the ravioli into the water and boil them for 14-15 minutes, keeping them slightly fresh.
  3. Drain the water thoroughly with a perforated ladle and take it into a large debit.
  4. Add a little salt, beat the garlic in a pestle and mix it with yogurt. Pour the garlic yogurt over the ravioli.
  5. In a small bowl, melt the margarine. Add red pepper to the melted oil and mix well, pour over the ravioli and serve when the smell spreads.

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