Kitchen Secrets

Peach Trifle

Hello Dear Friends,

Let the first recipe of the week come to cheer up those who are fed up with the end of the holiday, the opening of schools and heavy traffic :)

This recipe is actually a practical recipe that can be prepared with leftovers from constantly working kitchens like me. I couldn't decide whether to say trifle or jar cake, finally it seems more logical to say trifle in a jar :)



In fact, it is a dessert that continues in the form of a layer of fruit & jelly, a layer of cream and cake, which is put into it in big glass bowls with the recipe. When I combined my leftover cakes, the peaches that are now soft and the pastry cream that I prepared for a recipe and threw half of it in the freezer, such a cute thing came out :)

You can use leftover cake pieces and any cream you have prepared.

You can easily prepare the cake you want, even from ready-made cake or sponge cake.

Ingredients for Peach Trifle Recipe

For the Pastry Cream:

How to Make Peach Trifle Recipe?

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