Kitchen Secrets

Potato Leek Pie

Once again, we have come to the end of a week of hustle and bustle and meetings. The most enjoyable part of this week was going to the school I graduated from and seeing my friends who are working there now and being able to chat even for a short time. I was overjoyed when I learned that the book I had been waiting for more than a year had been released in the place we stopped by after school.

Fantasy book lovers know. The final book of the Heritage series (the first three were Eregon, Eldest and Brisinger) Heritage has come to bookstores :) Anyway, I ran to Mephisto in Istiklal and took my book and embraced it! I've been looking for an opportunity to start since last night, but I haven't had the opportunity to finish my work and open with a coffee yet.

What can I say, these worldly affairs do not end… Since I have given my weekly report, we can go back to our pastry, which is our main topic, right, dear friends :)

In our house, my wife likes leek and I like potato pie, whenever one is cooked, we lose our minds on the other. To bring a solution to this situation, I tried a different pastry the other day. After all, it turned out better than I expected :)

Since the flavor of the leek was already close to the onion, it was very compatible with the potato. In the coming days, I can use this mortar that I prepared for pasta.

See you…


Ingredients for Potato Leek Pie Recipe

For Sauce

How to Make Potato Leek Pie Recipe?

  1. Clean and wash the leeks. Whether you chop it finely or if you are ester, divide it into 2-3 parts and pass it through the rondo. Peel and grate the carrot.
  2. Put 4 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet, add the leeks and sauté on medium heat for 5-6 minutes.
  3. When the leeks are slightly dead, add the grated carrot and salt on it and sauté for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. Add the potatoes to the carrots and fry them. When the water is removed, add 2 teas of water, drain the water and cook until the potatoes are soft and leave the cooked stuffing to cool.
  5. For the pastry with yoghurt, mix yoghurt, egg and olive oil well in a deep bowl.
  6. Grease the baking tray, cool 1 piece of filo pastry overflowing from the tray and spread it with the yoghurt mortar you prepared with the help of an egg brush or spoon.
  7. Spread the yoghurt sauce on each phyllo layer and spread it with the leek mortar and cover it with the remaining pieces of the phyllo.
  8. When it comes to the last layer, neatly cover the large dough on the bottom of the pastry. Spread on remaining sauce and sprinkle with black cumin. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven until nicely browned.


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