Kitchen Secrets

The Perfect Cocoa Peanut Butter Cookie

The World's Easiest Cookie Recipe I shared with you that Nehir loved it so much that she always wants this cookie. Since I don't always want to use chocolate chips, this time I prepared peanut butter and cocoa. I'm adding how Nehir did it to the highlights of my story. Let this cookie recipe be your activity this weekend with the kids ☺️

When preparing the recipe, make sure that all the ingredients are at room temperature. Butter comes in about 100 grams. Micro-defrosting for 10-15 seconds will also bring it to its full consistency.


Ingredients for the Perfect Cocoa Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe

How to Make the Perfect Cocoa Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe

1. Take eggs, room temperature butter, peanut butter and granulated sugar in a mixing bowl and mix well.
2. Add cocoa, baking powder and flour and knead.
3. Cut off walnut-sized pieces and place them on the baking tray. Make a mark by pressing with a fork.
4. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 12-15 minutes and serve when it cools down.

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