Kitchen Secrets

Fruit Cage Pie

Many of our friends are eager to make cage pies, but they are hesitant because they think that they cannot give the look they want or that it is too troublesome. That's why I found and edited a few photos of the lattice pie in detail for you. I hope you have very nice pies. Let's see it will be easy.

Fruit Lattice Pie.jpg


2 eggs,
1 cups of sugar,
150 gr. margarine,
1 packet of baking powder,
1 packet of vanilla,


any fruit you want (apple, grape, raisin, orange etc.)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon, optionally with hazelnuts or walnuts

How to Make Fruit Cage Pie Recipe?

Mix all the dough ingredients in a large plastic bowl and make a dough that is a little harder than the pastry dough. Divide the dough into 2, one larger than the other.
Grease another baking tray and spread it evenly in it (I used a small springform pan) and poke holes in the bottom with a fork.
If the fruits are not grapes, cut them into small pieces. And spread them on the dough. Roll the dough that we put aside with the help of a rolling pin to half a centimeter thickness and cut it into long strips with the help of a knife.
Then arrange them in small squares for the apple.
Bake in your preheated oven at 180 degrees until the top and bottom are browned.

Fruit Cage Pie

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