Kitchen Secrets

Lemon (Pound) Cake

Hello Dear Friends,

We try delicious recipes every week at school. We also work in-depth on the basic techniques.

In every lesson, I understand over and over again that if you want to create professional flavors, you must acquire a scale and strictly follow the given recipes. Pastry is all about balance.

pound cake It is a type of cake traditionally made with half a kilo of each of the 4 basic ingredients.

These basic ingredients, as you all know, are flour, oil, eggs and sugar.

A cake of this size makes it larger than most families can consume, so the quantity is; often modified to suit the size of the preferred cake.


As long as the ratio of flour, egg, oil and sugar is kept the same; the resulting cake will be the same as the cake obtained using the standard recipe. So the important thing is to use these materials equally.

Another feature that distinguishes this cake from the standard cakes we know is the creaming technique. In other words, we start the cake making not by beating sugar and eggs, but by beating sugar and butter.

The amount of egg and oil in it may be too much for you, but after cooking, its silky structure and flavor will amaze you :)

You don't need to cook the lemon sauce or glaze. The cake is also baked in a single loaf mold, but it takes a long time because it is large. If possible, you can divide it into 3 paper baton cake molds so that it cooks faster.


Ingredients for Lemon (Pound) Cake Recipe

For Lemon Sauce:

to give shine:

How to Make Lemon (Pound) Cake Recipe?

  1. Take the granulated sugar and butter into the mixing bowl of the mixer. Beat until creamy.
  2. While continuing to mix at high speed, add the eggs one by one.
  3. Add the flour, baking powder, lemon zest and vanilla and whisk until completely mixed.
  4. Grease your loaf pan and pour the mixture into it.
  5. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until the top is browned and the inside comes out dry. (Check whether it is cooked with a toothpick. It means that it is cooked on a dry toothpick)
  6. For the lemon sauce, whisk together the lemon juice, water and powdered sugar. Spread this sauce on the hot cake coming out of the oven with the help of a spoon.
  7. When the icing cake has cooled completely, remove it from the mold and serve by spreading the crust with marmalade and garnishing with lemon zest.


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