Kitchen Secrets

Red Fruits and Their Benefits

Hello Dear Friends,

Today's recipe is a wonderful mix of my favorite fruits :) With the contribution of my dear dietitian Beste Alimert, she prepared an informative article about the benefits of fruits and fruit juices for us.

Today, we investigate the relationship between nutritional habits and health more and we attach importance to healthy nutrition. As we know, fruits and vegetables are the most important sources of bioactive components such as vitamins and antioxidants. Thanks to their antioxidant effects, these compounds prevent free radicals from damaging body tissues and protect cells against aging. More importantly, it strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of cancer cells and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It is possible to meet almost all of our daily vitamin and antioxidant needs with fruit and vegetable juices that we can easily prepare at home!


These delicious mixes increase the feeling of satiety and balance your blood sugar and can be enjoyable snacks in your slimming diets. Fruit and vegetable juices contain rich vitamin C; when consumed with iron sources such as meat and eggs; When consumed with milk and yogurt, it increases the bioavailability of calcium in the body.

These mixtures, which are very good alternatives for children and adults who do not eat fruits or vegetables, can be consumed with eggs for breakfast, with meat dishes in main meals or alone as snacks, while starting the day in accordance with daily needs.

Fruits get their color from the rich antioxidants and phenolic compounds they contain. Different colored fruits provide different benefits on our health.

The red fruits that make up this delicious fruit mix renew our cells against aging and are effective in protecting from sun rays. Thus, they act as anti-aging. Helping repair DNA damage, red berries also reduce cancer risks. Thanks to its blood pressure and lowering effects on bad cholesterol, it protects the body from cardiovascular diseases.
Blackberry; Along with its red fruit properties, it also prevents memory loss due to old age and regulates the intestines in case of diarrhea.
Strawberry; In addition to its red fruit properties, it reduces stress with its calming and blood pressure lowering properties. It helps in removing edema as it is diuretic. It has positive effects on liver and rheumatic diseases. It cleans the blood and is a good detox fruit.
Pomegranate; It is one of the fruits with the strongest red fruit characteristics. In addition, it is very effective in reducing the rate of bad cholesterol in the blood, protecting against atherosclerosis and increasing vascular elasticity.

Black mulberry; In addition to its positive effects on health, like other red fruits, it helps to heal stomach wounds, provides repair of collagen tissue in the skin. While it facilitates digestion and is good for constipation, it is also a very effective fruit for anemia.


Ingredients for Red Berries and Their Benefits Recipe

For service:

How to Make Red Berries and Their Benefits Recipe?

  1. Wash the black mulberry, strawberry and blackberry and leave to drain.
  2. Squeeze the fruits in the juicer.
  3. Transfer the pomegranate juice and the squeezed fruits into a small jug.
  4. Serve cold with ice.

Cover letter: DYT. Beste Alimert
Photos and Recipe: Nilay Tulum

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