Kitchen Secrets

Puff Pastry Sticks With Cheese

I am determined to consume the puff pastry stocks at home. Soften the puff pastry, brush it with egg yolk, sprinkle with fresh cheddar cheese, then slice it lengthwise in 1 finger thickness. Single ply with a little bending puff pastry sticks get it.

You can try this recipe with parmesan and gruyere cheese other than cheddar cheese.

You can increase the amount as much as you want. Love…

Ingredients for Cheddar Puff Pastry Sticks Recipe

How to Make Cheddar Puff Pastry Sticks Recipe?

  1. Take the puff pastry that you have softened out of the cupboard onto the lightly floured counter, and thin it out a little with a rolling pin. Apply egg yolk to the face that is facing you.
  2. Sprinkle the cheddar cheese and optional spices on the egg rolls.
  3. Slice the phyllo to which you have applied the same process, 1-2 inches thick, lengthwise. If you want the nose as in the photo or leave it as straight strips.
  4. Place the prepared pieces on the greased baking tray at 2-3 cm intervals. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until well browned.

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