Kitchen Secrets

Cup Pastry

Infrastructure works, which we have been continuing day and night for a week, have begun to bear fruit, so that you can wander through the Kitchens much faster. But don't think it was easy, we ran into a lot of technical problems, we were even closed almost all Sunday night (you would have laughed really hard if you saw me and my wife). Imagine our situation, at work during the day and at home at night, we were always in charge of the Kitchen Secrets.

Due to this intense effort, we had to stop our Baby Hause section for a while, but next week we will start adding new baby photos as well as accepting new baby photos. A big thank you to each of you for your interest and patience…

Since the topic was about babies, I thought I'd link the topic to my childhood. Spongy boatman, boatman's shovel, cup pastry for the evening, the hit song of my childhood :) I used to wonder if there was really such a pastry in those years. Finally, I applied it myself by satisfying my curiosity and I liked it very much.
For now, I am publishing the cheese recipe of this pastry, which I prepared with both minced meat and cheese, and I will add it to the minced meat mortar soon.

The construction stages are in the recipe section, love to everyone….

Cup Pastry
Cup Pastry

Ingredients for Cup Pastry Recipe

3 pieces of dough
200 gr. beef feta cheese
8-10 sprigs of parsley
1 tablespoons of margarine
1 pieces of eggs
Black Cumin or Sesame

Making Pastry Cups
Construction Stages

Fabrication :

To prepare the cheese mortar: Take the feta cheese in a deep bowl and mash it with a fork, finely chop the parsley. Add the margarine, egg, parsley to the cheese and mix it all together.

1- Take the pieces of dough from the dough and put it in the cup and hang the ends of the dough from the sides of the cup.

2- Put the minced meat or cheese mortar you prepared in it, but be careful not to tear the dough by putting too much stuffing.

3- Cover the edges of the phyllo that you have carefully greased with enough oil to stick it, and place it on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.

4- Brush the beaten egg on the pastries that you turned upside down and sprinkle sesame seeds and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

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