Kitchen Secrets

Green Lentil Meatball Soup

Hello Dear Friends,

This soup is a main soup from head to toe :) It was very difficult to make my daughter eat legumes (except chickpeas). I decided to try something with meatballs and plenty of legumes, in which I added bulgur and green lentils. Finally, a soup like highland soup with meatballs and legumes came out, which my daughter enjoyed very much.

When I knead meatballs, I reserve some at the end, add rice and prepare balls and put them in the freezer. Thus, my work becomes very, very practical. You can also intensify the consistency of the soup by adding some flour instead of bulgur.

Don't forget to share my recipes you've tried with me on Instagram. I would love to share the photos from you in my story.


Ingredients for Green Lentil Meatball Soup Recipe

For the meatballs:

For dressing:

For service:

How to Make Green Lentil Meatball Soup Recipe?

  1. Boil the green lentils and drain. Put the minced meat in the mixing bowl, knead the washed filtered rice, salt and pepper together.
  2. Take small pieces from the minced meat and roll it with your hands.
  3. Take the boiling water in the pot, add the meatballs, green lentils and bulgur and let it cook on medium heat.
  4. Whisk the yogurt and egg yolk together in a bowl. Take 3-4 tablespoons of boiling water, add it to the dressing mix and mix.
  5. After the dressing is warm, add it to the pot and stir. Boil for 4-5 minutes on medium heat.
  6. Add salt and boil it for one more time, take it from the stove and serve.

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