Kitchen Secrets


Don't ask if it's a recipe for popcorn. You can easily prepare honey, spicy or caramel corn at home. Making really good popcorn at home is based on a few little tricks.

The first of these is that the gin you buy is fresh, the second trick is that the bottom thickness of the pot in which you will pop the corn is thin. Since thick-bottomed pots heat up and cool down late, you can easily burn the corn.

If you enjoy watching movies at home, if you are addicted to thinking about what we are watching tonight after you have dinner, popcorn is one of your indispensable snacks.

Yours ..

Ingredients for Popcorn Recipe

How To Make Popcorn Recipe?

  1. Add liquid to a deep and covered pot and turn on the stove on high heat.
  2. When the oil in the pan starts to sizzle, throw the corn in it and shake it 1-2 times by holding the handles of the pan.
  3. Close the lid of the pot and wait for the corn to brown. When the corn popping sounds come from the pot, hold the handles again and cook by shaking for 2-3 more minutes.
  4. Leave the pot you took from the stove on the counter to cool, open the lid of the pot when the explosion sounds from the pot cease and put it in a serving bowl.

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