Kitchen Secrets

Dried Cod Bean Salad with Pomegranate

Hello Dear Friends,

I prepared 5 recipes for Mother's Day for the April-May issue of Lezzet magazine. I am sure that those at home will love a practical and delicious tea menu that I have created from these recipes. To create such a menu, I always use 1 cookie, 1 salad, 1 quick savory pastry, 1 cake. These are more than enough.

You can create the sweet and salty balance as you wish. This time, I prepared a black-eyed pea salad, one of my favorite recipes on the menu.

Don't forget to share my recipes you've tried with me on Instagram. I would love to share the photos from you in my story.


Ingredients for Pomegranate Dried Black Bean Salad Recipe

How to Make Dried Cod Bean Salad with Pomegranate?

  1. Boil the kidney beans. Strain the softened cowpeas and pass them through water and leave to drain.
  2. Take the chopped spring onion, dill, parsley, finely chopped capia pepper, corn and pomegranate seeds into a deep mixing bowl.
  3. Add the drained chickpeas on it.
  4. Finally, add salt, lemon juice, olive oil and pomegranate syrup, mix and serve.

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