Kitchen Secrets

Mosaic cake

A simple, elegant and delicious recipe that everyone should make at least once in their life. Mosaic cake. between us pyramid cake, mosaic cake, biscuit cake Although it is called by names such as, the basis is always the same recipe.

If you do not want to use chocolate, you can add 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of starch to make your sauce a pudding consistency. How to make a mosaic cake? You can find the photographic explanation of the question in the Culinary School Section as soon as possible.


Ingredients for Mosaic Cake Recipe

How to Make Mosaic Cake Recipe?

  1. Melt the margarine in a Teflon saucepan or saucer, add the milk and cocoa, mix and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the finely chopped or chopped chocolates to the boiling milk and remove from the stove.
  3. When the chocolate is soft, mix it a little more and let it cool. Stir occasionally to allow the chocolate to thicken slightly.
  4. Break the biscuits into a large mixing bowl and pour the chocolate sauce over the biscuits. Mix all the sauce with the biscuits.
  5. If available, lay cling film on your mold, if not, on your kitchen counter and pour your biscuit mixture on the set.
  6. Then cover the cake with foil and place it in your deep freeze.
  7. After it has rested for 1-2 hours, take it out and serve by slicing.

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