Kitchen Secrets

Chestnut Filled Cookies

I don't even understand how this week went, days are disappearing like grains of sand in the hectic pace of the new job. Whenever I get a chance, I throw myself into the kitchen and prepare small recipes and get tired.

Chestnut filled Cookie recipe is one of my therapy recipes :)

Kastamonu our journey You remember, I bought the chestnut puree from a candy store on the way back. It was very valuable as I only bought 1 jar. Whatever I do, whether I do it today or not, I decided to make cookies while I was trying to prepare something better.

There are some little secrets about cookie making. The first of these is about the amount of flour, if you are kneading your dough by hand, the dough is affected by your hand temperature and room temperature (this is similar to the fact that people with very hot hands have difficulty shaping sugar dough). For this reason, the dough comes together late and is difficult to shape, when you encounter such a situation, all you have to do is to cover the cookie dough and let it rest a little.

Our second secret is to make filled cookies, after putting the filling into the dough, to close it so that there are no cracks and without squeezing. If you do not pay attention to these, your cookies will crack while baking and the filling will flow out.

That's all I can think of for now, see you :)

Ingredients for Chestnut Filled Cookie Recipe

How to Make Chestnut Filled Cookie Recipe?

  1. Put the flour, powdered sugar, yoghurt, egg, vanilla, oil, baking powder and margarine at room temperature into the kneading bowl.
  2. Either with the dough kneading apparatus of the mixer or by hand, knead your dough until it reaches the consistency of an earlobe. (If you are going to use a mixer, you have to collect the dough by hand in the last step.)
  3. Take walnut-sized pieces from your dough and roll it in your hand. Open and widen the middle of your dough, which has become a ball, with your finger.
  4. Take half a teaspoon of chestnut puree and place it in the hole you opened and close the hole by smoothing the edges.
  5. Roll the cookies in your hands for the last time without squeezing them and arrange them 2-3 cm apart on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.
  6. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until the top of the cookies is browned (approximately 20-25 minutes).

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