Kitchen Secrets

Homemade Black Mulberry Ice Cream

Hello everyone from a cool but energetic spring morning!

I know, waking up to a cool and almost dark Monday after a sunny week has dropped all of your energy a bit. In fact, we should look at the situation positively because no one wants to be closed to the office or home in a lively sun-drenched day :) Therefore, it is necessary to save the day by saying that these are the perfect working days :)

As for our ice cream, I think it was the sweetest thing of the day :) I immediately gained 1 kilo from the mulberries that fell in the street market last week. After eating it until it cracked, I decided to make the rest of it so that it wouldn't spoil.

karadutlu_ice cream

Instagram When I shared the construction stages on the website, many people asked for the recipe. Instead of waiting for a sunny day, I decided to share it with you right away. Fruit ice creams made in the ice cream machine (especially if the water ratio is high) become a little soft as soon as they come out of the machine.

So it doesn't get the consistency you see in the photo right away. For this reason, it is necessary to wait for a while in an airtight container, at least until it reaches a consistency where a comfortable ball can be extracted.


I also prepared strawberry ice cream mortar from the strawberries I bought from the market the same day. I think I will try it soon with a different recipe. The best thing about making my own ice cream is that I can change everything in it according to my taste. I can add a piece of fruit or sweeten it by experimenting with sugar instead of sugar. Those with egg allergies can also try egg-free recipes.

You can buy an ice cream machine to make your own ice cream during the summer.


Ingredients for Homemade Black Mulberry Ice Cream Recipe

How to Make Homemade Black Mulberry Ice Cream Recipe?

  1. Put the mulberries that you wash and remove the stems in a deep bowl. Add powdered sugar to it.
  2. Blend them in a blender until the mulberries break down and the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. Whisk the cold cream that you took out of the refrigerator until it solidifies.
  4. Add the mulberry puree into the whipped cream and mix.
  5. Pour the mixture into the ice cream machine whose chamber you have cooled and run the machine for 25-30 minutes until the ice cream consistency is reached.
  6. Serve the ice cream you have prepared with its first medium-hard consistency, or by keeping it in the freezer for 1 night in an airtight container.

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