Kitchen Secrets

Apple Knitting

Hello, Hilal Hn. once again sent us a wonderful recipe. I really love the Apple Knitting, I want to try it as soon as possible. I'm sorry it took me a while to post due to my busy schedule and a minor health issue. But we continue from where we left off at full speed. Love to all...

Apple Knitting


For the dough:

1 pieces of eggs
2 teaspoon of yogurt
5 tablespoons of oil
1 package baking powder
1 packaged vanilla
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoons of sugar
3 cups flour

For inside:

4 medium sized apples
1 teaspoons of sugar
Desired amount of pounded
Walnuts or hazelnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon

For the above:

Egg yolk


Let's cut our apples into small cubes, add sugar, walnuts or hazelnuts and cinnamon, fry them in a bowl and leave to cool.

Mix sugar and egg well. Add yoghurt, oil and salt and mix a little more. Let's sift the flour, vanilla and baking powder and add it to the material and make a dough a little softer than the earlobe.

Let's open this dough so that it is not very thin and divide it into two. Let's put the apple mixture lengthwise and roll it. Let's put 2 rolls on top of each other as if knitting. Let's put egg yolk on it and cook it at 175 degrees.

Bon Appetit

Crescent Canata weaver

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