Kitchen Secrets

Dill Cookies

After taking a long break from making cookies, I prepared cookies non-stop for 3 or even 4 days. Dill cookies are definitely my favorite of all cookies.

This recipe, which I have tried at different times for a long time, changed as I added something and finally reached a taste that is almost exactly like the ones I bought from the patisserie.

Almost every cookie recipe has some tricks that I touch on a little. Let me share the two most important ones with you in response to the questions.

1- All cookie ingredients should be at room temperature, just like the cake.
2- If it is written in the recipe that it is kneaded with a mixer, and if you have a mixer, you will not have any problems with the measurements given in the recipes if you prepare the cookie dough by attaching the dough kneading apparatus. (Cookie dough is affected a lot by hand and room temperature due to the oil in it.


Ingredients for Dill Cookie Recipe

How to Make Dill Cookie Recipe?

  1. 1- Take the flour in the kneading bowl, add egg, margarine and all the remaining ingredients and knead until you get a dough in the consistency of an earlobe.
  2. Take walnut-sized pieces from the dough you have kneaded and roll them, and place them on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper at 2 cm intervals.
  3. When all the dough is finished, whisk the egg yolk you have separated and brush it on the cookie with the help of a brush.
  4. Finally, sprinkle sesame seeds and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown (approximately 20-25 minutes).
  5. When it comes to room temperature, take it from the tray and serve.

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