Kitchen Secrets

Chocolate Cake

Hello Dear Friends,

A delicious recipe with few ingredients, which the ancients call mold cake (I think because it comes out of the mold very clean), is Chocolate Practical Cake. It is normally made with margarine, and when margarine is used, it becomes both more moist and fluffy.

For those who do not want to use margarine, we tried the recipe especially with butter. I think butter (if not heavily flavored and too salty) works well. It is a recipe that you can prepare very quickly with few ingredients and it really comes out of the mold like a mold.

Your choice of chocolate is up to you, but I recommend you to use dark couverture, which melts easily. I used pistachios because I liked it very much, but you can serve it with hazelnuts or walnuts according to your taste.

The video will be on my youtube channel as soon as possible.  Don't forget to follow this link.

For Video Lecture:

Ingredients for Practical Chocolate Cake Recipe

For the top:

How to Make a Chocolate Cake Recipe?

  1. Beat eggs and powdered sugar. Add the melted and cooled butter to the mixture you whipped and whisk.
  2. Add the flour, baking powder, vanilla and cocoa and whisk until completely mixed.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 25-30 minutes (until the toothpick inserted comes out dry.
  4. Take the baked cake out of the oven and wait until it cools completely on a wire with its mold and remove it from the mold.
  5. Pour the chocolate that you melted in the microwave or bain-marie on the cooled cake. Garnish with pistachios and serve.



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