Kitchen Secrets

Arabian Sister Cookie

A very different and different recipe sent by one of my readers. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm very curious. I'll definitely try it one day.

Arabian Cookies

Ingredients for Arabian Cookie Recipe

For the dough:
3 boiled egg yolks
1 pack of margarine (at room temperature)
Flour as much as it takes (in the consistency of an earlobe)

For the above:

Nesquick, cocoa, powdered sugar

Knead the dough well and when it reaches the consistency of earlobes, put it in small balls on a greased tray, put it in the oven and bake until it turns pink. Mix nesquick, powdered sugar and a little cocoa in a bowl and dip the cookies that come out of the oven into this mixture while they are hot. The cookies are ready Bon appetit..

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