Kitchen Secrets

Roasted Pepper Salad with Yogurt

The sweltering heat of Istanbul has begun. I prepared a practical salad while using my right to have a late breakfast given to me on Sunday.
I have a delicious recipe that you can prepare quickly, whether for breakfast or appetizer, with 2 bell peppers and 1 capia pepper 😄 Strained yoghurt suits this recipe very well. You can see the yogurt recipes I prepared before in the practical recipes category.

It is a very flexible recipe, you can increase the amount of ingredients as much as you want according to the number of chishi you will prepare.


Ingredients for Roasted Pepper Salad with Yogurt

How to Make a Roasted Pepper Salad with Yoghurt?

  1. Roast the peppers, remove their skins and seeds and chop them.
  2. Add parsley, garlic, salt and olive oil and mix.
  3. Spread the strained yogurt on the plate.
  4. Put the salad on top. Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds, if desired.

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