Kitchen Secrets

Boiled chicken

How to make the best boiled chicken?

You can boil almost any part of the chicken. You can serve boiled chicken as you cook it. But you can use it separately from its water, meat and vegetables separately.

What is put in chicken boiling water?

You can prepare chicken broth soup, which is a panacea, by taking chicken and vegetables from it and throwing noodle.

While boiling the chicken, you can enrich the taste even more by adding celery, Jerusalem artichoke and a little lemon peel. In this way, the soup you will prepare from the leftover water will have a more pleasant aroma.

When you boil chicken, I recommend you to prepare rice pilaf with it. If you want, you can shred the chicken meat and serve it as chicken on rice.

Ingredients for Boiled Chicken Recipe

How to Make Chicken Boiled Recipe?

  1. Peel and wash the carrots and potatoes and chop them coarsely. Peel the onion and leave it whole.
  2. Put the chicken pieces in the pot together with the onion, add enough water to cover it by 3-4 fingers.
  3. Add butter and boil it on high heat until it boils, then boil it for 10 more minutes on low heat. Take the onion from the chickens. Add the carrots and boil for another 10 minutes.
  4. Finally, add the potatoes to the pot and boil until the potatoes are soft.
  5. When the potatoes are boiled, remove your food from the stove and serve hot.

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