Kitchen Secrets

Eggplant salad

An insatiable appetizer, eggplant salad. This should be rested for 1-2 hours and served, like almost all other appetizers served cold. In fact, it will be even more delicious when vinegar, garlic and olive oil give its taste to the eggplant after waiting for 1 night.

Ingredients for Eggplant Salad Recipe


  1. The eggplants are taken to the cutting board and finely chopped with the help of a large knife.
  2. Parsley, spring onions, paprika, tomatoes are finely chopped and added to the eggplant.
  3. Garlic is crushed thoroughly in a pestle, adding salt.
  4. Add vinegar and olive oil to all the ingredients, mix and transfer to the serving plate.
  5. It is rested with its mouth closed until it is served.
  6. And it takes its place on the table…

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