Kitchen Secrets

Metabolism Booster -Breast Milk Booster Tea

Hello Dear Friends,

breastfeeding mom diet In my article, I talked about the metabolism-boosting breast milk-increasing tea that my dear Beste gave me. Those who missed the diet article they can be found here. I have seen a lot of benefits this week. I wanted to share it as the first recipe of the week for both those who are waiting and those who are not yet aware :) Dear Beste shared its benefits with us in her article.

My metabolism tea, which I have described as a dietary supplement to lose weight, works very well. As you know, mothers who want to lose weight while breastfeeding should stay away from external support such as slimming pills, slimming teas, etc. The contents of tea and pills whose contents we do not know can pass to the baby with breast milk or reduce milk. If you know the contents of the tea you drink and it is safe, they can drink it easily. To my clients who are breastfeeding mothers "metabolism accelerator - breast milk enhancerI recommend this tea with its ” feature.

*CINNAMONIt reduces sweet cravings with its taste and nice smell, balancing sugar supports fat burning.
*BLACK PEPPERWith its thermogenic effect, it warms the body and accelerates metabolism.
*GINGER, Supports the immune system, accelerates metabolism
*CLOVE, cleans the intestines, makes it work better, revitalizes the metabolism
*FENNEL, help increase milk
*Total water you drink helps metabolism and milk increase.
You can prepare all the ingredients with 1 liter of water and drink it warm throughout the day.

Ingredients for Metabolism Booster -Breast Milk Booster Tea Recipe

How to Make Metabolism Booster-Breast Milk Booster Tea?

  1. Cut and peel 1 piece of ginger.
  2. Place in a small saucepan with black pepper, cloves and cinnamon sticks.
  3. Add water and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Take the boiling tea from the stove, add the fennel and infuse for 5 minutes and serve.

Beste Alimert Altunors

Nutrition and diet specialist

instagram @dizibestealimert

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