Kitchen Secrets

Mixed Stuffed

Hello dear friends,

On this first day of Ramadan, I wanted to prepare a practical, easy and instructive stuffing file for you. Newly married or working ladies can try very easy recipes the day before they struggle with what to do every night and save time...

Mixed Stuffed

You can fill the vegetables you want with the same minced meat mortar, you can only make stuffed zucchini, eggplant or tomatoes, or you can mix them all.

You start reading an article about how to make stuffed meat, which spices are used, how to choose vegetables to make stuffed, and the preparation stages of vegetables. I wish you a lot of stuffing during Ramadan :) Sahur ideas and 30 days Ramadan Menus Don't forget to visit the page!! Love…

Stuffed Tomatoes

Ingredients for Mixed Stuffing Recipe

How to Make Mixed Stuffing Recipe?

How to make stuffed peppers?
How to make stuffed peppers?

Preparation of vegetables:

red_pepper_stuffed_how to_do
How to Make Stuffed Red Peppers?
  1. Wash all the stuffed vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Cut the tops of the green and red peppers with a knife so that the lid can be made and remove all the seeds. Lightly salt the inside of the peppers with your finger.

    zucchini_stuffed_how to_make
    How to Make Stuffed Zucchini?

  3. First, separate the zucchini, eggplant (tomatoes upon request) from their stems as in the making stages, then cut into 2 parts and remove the insides with the help of a zucchini cutter and salt the insides as in peppers.

    eggplant_stuffed_how to_do
    How to Make Stuffed Eggplant?

Preparation of the minced meat:

Wash the rice in 2-3 waters, let it rest in warm water for about 30 minutes, drain well, grate the tomatoes.
Mix the ground beef, diced onion, vegetable oil, rice, tomatoes, mint, parsley, salt and pepper well. Make sure your mortar is watery.

Stuffed Making:

With the help of a tablespoon, fill the inside of the vegetables with the mortar you prepared, fill 1 cm from the top of the vegetables (be careful not to compress too much, because the rice will start to swell as it cooks).

Place the stuffed vegetables upright and firmly in the wide, not too deep pot.
Melt 2 tablespoons of tomato paste with hot water and pour it over the dolmas. Add olive oil and add hot water until halfway through the dolmas. Cook on high heat until the water boils, and then cook on low heat for about 30 minutes. If the dolmas are easily pierced when touched with a fork, it means the dolma is cooked and ready to serve.
Transfer to a serving plate and serve hot.

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