Kitchen Secrets

Poppy Revani

Hello Dear Friends,

Revani with Poppy is one of the recipes that has been requested from me for a long time, I put it at the top of my long list due to the upcoming holiday. I'm glad I bought it :) It has become one of the most delicious desserts you have tasted after Revani with Orange.

If you follow the tricks I will give you about Revani, you will have a perfect dessert. First of all, remember that revani is a cake with semolina added to it. The cake is prepared and baked the way it is baked and prepared. So cake makers can easily prepare revani. The only difference is that sherbet is poured into it.


Now, let's briefly recall the tricks we used when making cakes. First of all, our ingredients must be fresh and at room temperature. Eggs and sugar should be well beaten and fluffy. Liquid materials should be added first, then dry materials.

In addition, the most important point, the part that the cake needs to be hot and the syrup must be cold, should definitely not be skipped.
Slice the revani that comes out of the oven after 1-2 minutes so that it absorbs itself and relieves the oven temperature a little. Afterwards, pour the cooled syrup by spreading it evenly. Thus, it does not stay dry anywhere.


After you have rested well, you can combine it with the flavors you want and serve it.


Ingredients for Poppy Revani Recipe


For the above:

How To Make Revani With Poppy?

  1. For the syrup, put the water and sugar in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Reduce the bottom of the boiling syrup and boil for 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice, mix and remove from the heat. Set aside to cool.
  2. Beat the eggs and granulated sugar first at high speed and then at low speed until the egg triples and turns white. Add oil, milk and semolina and continue mixing.
  3. Add poppy, flour and baking powder to the mixture, mix and pour into a medium-sized rectangular bowl. (like 16×24)
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
  5. Take the cooked revani from the oven and wait for 1 minute, then divide it into 12 equal squares with the help of a knife.
  6. Pour the completely cooled syrup evenly over the dessert with the help of a ladle.
  7. After the revani has cooled, whisk the whipped cream with milk. Decorate the dessert with whipped cream, either with a cream piping bag or with the help of a spatula. Serve with fudge and peanuts.


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