Kitchen Secrets

Chickpea Salad

We traveled a lot these days, we made sweet and good friends. Of course, I was weak when I could not rest and work all the time and run from activity to activity. The body said it's ok now, be a little sick and I'll force you to bed.

The worst part is that I will be moving to the new house in 15 days. I will be lying down on the days when I need to speed up the moving preparations.

Chickpea Salad
Chickpea Salad

Chickpea salad came to my mind while I was thinking about how I could use the chickpeas I had boiled and stored in a different way. It was very delicious, especially if you like to eat rice with salad like me, I would say you should definitely try it.

Yours ..

Ingredients for Chickpea Salad Recipe

How to Make Chickpea Salad Recipe?

  1. Take your boiled chickpeas into a mixing bowl and add the garnish.
  2. Finely chop all the other ingredients and put them in a bowl.
  3. Add lemon, salt and olive oil and mix well.
  4. Serve in small bowls or with rice.

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