Kitchen Secrets

Baked Lamb Shank

Hello Dear Friends,

for the holidays Delphin ImperialThe second recipe we prepared together with the master chef of , Mert Güven Değer, is Baked Lamb Shank. Those who missed the first recipe Lamb Mutancana You can find the recipe here.


As I mentioned in the Mutancana article, we were guests in a restaurant of a hotel every night we stayed. From these recipes, we chose both the ones we liked and the ones suitable for the Eid-al-Adha and took a shot. As a matter of fact, what we do is not limited to meat only. For those famous chocolates of İmrerial, we were guests at the chocolate workshop and tried 1-2 delicious and practical chocolate recipes that you can prepare together at home.

Anyway, this is the subject of another article and video :)


The best part of the lamb shank recipe in the oven is that you can prepare a delicious sauce. You remember my broth recipe, this time we strain the broth from baked meat and vegetables and prepare a legendary sauce.

You can either pour this sauce over the meat or serve it with a small sauce bowl next to the meat. Your guests will enjoy pouring the sauce in the desired amount.

You must try this holiday.


Ingredients for Baked Lamb Shank Recipe

 For the sauce:


How to Make Lamb Shank Recipe in the Oven?


  1. To prepare the bed of shanks, chop the onion and garlic into rings, peel and dice the carrots and celery.
  2. Spread the chopped vegetables on the baking tray and prepare the shank bed.
  3. Arrange the shanks on the vegetables you spread on the tray.
  4. Add the butter, salt, pepper and water to the pan.
  5. Cover the tray with greaseproof paper and then aluminum foil and bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 2 hours.
  6. Take the meat that has been cooked for 2 hours in a separate place. Drain the water in the tray and set aside.
  7. Fry the flour and oil in a deep pan. After the smell is gone, add the water that you have set aside.
  8. Bring the sauce to a boil and serve with the meat.

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