Kitchen Secrets

Acukali Bread

Hello Dear Friends,

I love working with yeast dough, especially making bread. Those who follow me know that I share a little bread recipe, but once I share it, all those who try it love to prepare my recipe over and over again.


Acukali in bread the job is the same, such a recipe, if you want to prepare this recipe, I shared it before. open If you want my recipe, you can use a ready-made acuka from the market.



If you want to know more about yeast dough Leaven You can find my article here.



Ingredients for Acukali Bread Recipe

To drive in:

How to Make Acukali Bread Recipe?

  1. Put the flour, salt, sugar and yeast in the mixing bowl.
  2. Add water and olive oil and knead.
  3. When the dough comes together, take it to the counter, knead the dough for another 5 minutes until it reaches a consistency that does not stick to the hand and the counter.
  4. Take the kneaded dough into a kneading bowl and cover it and let it rest for 25 minutes.
  5. Break off manfalina-sized pieces from the well-leavened dough and roll them in your hands to make meringues.
  6. Open the meringues by pressing them on the lightly floured counter with your hand and roll them by spreading them on top.
  7. Cut the roll in half with a knife.
  8. Grease the cake mold and arrange the rolls side by side in the cake mold.
  9. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes until the breads are browned.
  10. Leave the baked bread in the mold until it reaches room temperature and serve by removing it from the mold.



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