Kitchen Secrets

Practical Hot Pepper Breakfast Sauce

Turkish Nutella 😍 Our nutella is this niece 🤣 Joking aside, it's such a delicious breakfast that you'll have to make it again when you're done. Loved My Almond Breakfast Sauce with Dried Tomatoes you remember, it even doubles that. The most important thing when making breakfast sauce is that the tomato paste is suitable for your taste.

Depending on whether your tomato paste is hot or salty, you can increase or decrease the amount of salt and spices. If you say I don't want to use tomato paste, I'm looking for a different recipe, dry it. tomato tapenade just for you. For those who want to prepare it with fresh peppers and tomatoes, I leave my breakfast roasted pepper sauce recipe here :)

Don't forget to stay tuned for alternative breakfast recipes and suggestions.


Ingredients for Practical Hot Pepper Breakfast Sauce Recipe

How to Make a Practical Hot Pepper Breakfast Sauce Recipe?

  1. Blend the spices with walnuts and chickpeas until they become flour.
  2. Add the tomato paste, olive oil and slices of bread and toss again.
  3. Add olive oil to thicken. If it is too dense, add a little water and pull again and serve.

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