Kitchen Secrets

Our BBQ Party is at Beyoğlu Kemancı!!!

Hello Dear Friends,

As the expected day approaches, the excitement inside us grows like an avalanche...

Now I'm going to answer some of your soulmates while you're posting photos of the Violinist garden where our barbecue party will be held.


Let me answer your questions now.

1- To join our party you will not pay. (Only what you drink will be yours)

2- Not only the blog owners but all our readers are invited to our party.

3- You can bring and serve a variety of salads and appetizers that you think would be great with barbecue with you.

4- No one should be upset that I don't know anyone, anyway, our goal is to meet, meet, get along..

It will end on 5th - 5th of June Our Micro Wave Oven Campaign The draw will be held at this party.


Meeting with you will be the greatest reward for our efforts so far.. Love...

To see our invitation Click...

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