Kitchen Secrets

Practical Home Baklava

The only dessert of holidays and special days is baklava. Although it is a bit intimidating to make, it is actually not that difficult. The only thing that matters is to roll the baklava dough thinly. In fact, there are even ready-made baklava phyllo in the market. Of course, it is debatable whether it tastes as good as opening hands.

If you ask how a delicious baklava should be, it must be buttered and fried like a pomegranate. Sherbet should neither be too much nor too little.

Dear Seda's mother made this baklava for her granddaughter's forties. It was so delicious and light that I searched for the recipe for its practical baklava for half an hour :) I tried to convey what he told me in the most practical and understandable way.

Take it easy…

Yours ..

Ingredients for Practical Home Baklava Recipe

For dough:

For the above:

For sherbet:


How to Make Practical Home Baklava Recipe?

  1. Take all of the dough ingredients in a large mixing bowl and knead until it comes to a consistency that will separate from the mixing bowl.
  2. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for about half an hour.
  3. Divide the rested dough into 30 equal parts and roll them with your hands. Cover the meringues you have prepared with a damp cloth.
  4. Sprinkle each of the meringues with starch, first open them to the size of a cake plate and stack them on top of each other.
  5. Roll out the first 10 meringues in the size of the tray where you will make the baklava. Grease the baking tray with butter. Lay the 10 layers of dough you rolled out on the tray and spread half of the walnuts on it.
  6. Do the same for the 2nd 10th coat and sprinkle walnuts on it.
  7. Finish the dough sheeting process by applying the same process to the last 10th layer and slice as in the photo. Drizzle the melted butter over it.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until golden brown. Leave the baklava to cool.
  9. While the baklava is cooling, put the necessary ingredients for the syrup in the pot and boil it for 10-15 minutes.
  10. Pour the hot syrup you prepared over the cooled baklavas.
  11. After resting for 1-2 hours, serve.


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