Kitchen Secrets

Custard Biscuit Cake

My pain has gotten a little better since yesterday, but I haven't gotten to the point where I can run around the house yet. That's why I didn't prepare a meal today, in fact, I couldn't.

In the evening, I'm waiting for my wife to come and prepare the food :) (ehehehe I have given my message carefully). Let's see a little bit of her kitchen secrets, shall we? :)

We went to my mother-in-laws for dinner because I was totally hit by a truck after going to the doctor last night and getting an injection. Seda also made a biscuit cake that she prepared herself.

I really liked the taste and texture. I took a picture and got the recipe for you. A practical recipe that fits everyone.


Ingredients for Custard Biscuit Cake Recipe

2 packs of cocoa petibor biscuits

For the custard:

For the above:

How to Make Custard Biscuit Cake Recipe?

  1. Take the flour in the pot, add the milk gradually and whisk. Add sugar and vanilla and cook, stirring until thickened.
  2. When it thickens, add the margarine and mix for 1 more minute and remove from the stove.
  3. Arrange the Borcama biscuits in 1 layer. Spread half of the pudding you prepared on it and lay the 2nd layer of biscuit.
  4. Repeat the same process. After laying the third and last layer of biscuit, let it rest.
  5. Prepare the chocolate sauce you will use for the topping according to the recipe on the back of the package and spread it on the biscuit cake.
  6. Cover the dessert with cling film and let it rest in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Serve by slicing.

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