Kitchen Secrets

Homemade Grissini (Bread Sticks)

Here we come to a crunchy recipe… We call it grissini, the Italians a bread stick… As with all black dry sticks, it's not very tasty on its own, so it needs a supplement inside or out.

It becomes more enjoyable with the different spices you add to the dough or the sesame seeds you sprinkle on the outside like I do.

Of course, you can serve plain or spicy bread sticks with different dip sauces. You can also produce chocolate-covered alternatives for 5 o'clock tea.

It is an option for whole wheat flour and fat-free and sugar-free low-calorie snacks (I call it chipboard for short).

Have a nice weekend…


Ingredients for Homemade Grissini (Bread Sticks) Recipe

For the above:

How to Make Homemade Grissini (Bread Sticks) Recipe

  1. Take 1 cup of warm water in a large bowl. Add 2 cubes of sugar and 1,5 tablespoons of yeast and mix with your hands. Let it rest for 15 minutes for the yeast to activate and foam.
  2. Pour the flour into a deep kneading bowl, make a hole in the middle with your hand and add the yeast water and salt. Knead the dough for 7-8 minutes. (The dough will be very hard, in the meantime, you can slightly wet your hand and moisten it.)
  3. Make a meringue from the dough and cover it with a cloth moistened with your hand and moistened with warm water.
  4. After it has fermented for 30 minutes, take it to the floured counter and knead it lightly and divide it into 2 meringues.
  5. Roll out half an inch thick with a rolling pin and slice 1 cm thick with a pizza knife.
  6. Roll the dough sticks slightly on a floured counter. Brush 1 egg white on it. Sprinkle with sesame and black cumin.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes. (the edges will be slightly browned)
  8. Take the cooked grissini from the oven, serve when it cools down.

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