Kitchen Secrets

Katmer – Palaz

We, who were stubborn not to do anything during the holiday, couldn't stand it again and hit the roads. Karasu was a nice stop for us to rest. Last night, we camped on the banks of the Melen Stream. Despite the sharp cold, the sound of running water and the smell of meatballs sizzling on the barbecue allowed us to spend a wonderful night.

This morning we prepared katmer, also known as palaz. I learned the recipe for katmer, which is served by the people of the Western Black Sea at their feast breakfasts or weddings, from Aunt Çiğdem. You can flavor this local delicacy, whose main ingredients are flour, water and oil, with cheese, butter or poppy.

I did not want to pass without adding the delicious fried peppers collected from the garden :)


Ingredients for Katmer – Palaz Recipe

How to Make Katmer – Palaz Recipe?

  1. Take the flour in a deep mixing bowl and knead by adding water gradually.
  2. Continue this process until you get a thicker consistency than an earlobe.
  3. When your dough has a consistency, divide it into tangerine-sized balls. (Makes up to 9 meringues)
  4. Flour the kitchen counter and roll out the meringues to the size of a plate. Drizzle olive oil and flour over the rolled meringues.
  5. Hold the rolled meringue from the edges and fold it 3-4 times towards the middle and turn it into a roll.
  6. Flour the roll by wrapping it like a rose pastry and open it to the size of the pan you will cook.
  7. Do the same for all the meringues. Serve it by cooking it in a lightly oiled pan.

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