Kitchen Secrets

Yams with Olive Oil (Apple-Orange)

Hello Dear Friends,

First recipe of the week, Jerusalem artichoke, which is one of my favorite root vegetables to cook during the winter months, can be consumed in many different ways. It can be added raw to salads, yams with olive oil until fleshy yams It is also one of the most preferred winter flavors.


I used to add a lump of sugar as in every olive oil, but now I have started to add fruits to increase its flavor instead of sugar. The apple I added to this recipe gave an extra flavor, the freshly squeezed orange juice I added both increased its flavor and prevented it from darkening like lemon juice.


Jerusalem artichoke The only tricky part is peeling, for this a sharp fruit knife can speed up your work. Jerusalem artichokes When choosing, choose medium-sized ones, since the inside of large tubers is usually empty, they can be wasted.

After frying the onion like me, you can add garnish and cook them all together. If you are going to add the carrots yourself, you need to fry them for a while with the onion because they cook much slower than the yams. This can cause the apples to fall apart as you try to cook the carrots.


Ingredients for Yam (Apple-Orange) Recipe with Olive Oil

How to Make Yams with Olive Oil (Apple-Orange) Recipe?

  1. Fill a deep and wide bowl with plenty of water, squeeze 1 lemon and throw the peels into the water.
  2. Peel the Jerusalem artichokes with the help of a small knife and throw each peeled yam in lemon water without waiting.
  3. When all the yams are gone, chop the onion for edibles. Cut the apple into two parts, remove the core and chop coarsely.
  4. Strain and rinse the mixed garnish and set aside to drain.
  5. Put the olive oil and the chopped onion in the pot. Add salt and fry until browned.
  6. When the onions turn pink, add the Jerusalem artichokes and the coarsely chopped red apple and fry for 1 more minute.
  7. Add your drained side dish, rice, orange juice and water and cook until apples are soft (about 13-15 minutes).
  8. Leave the cooked yams to cool in the pot with the lid closed. Serve your cooled olive oil with dill or dried mint.

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