Watermelon Strawberry Practical Ice Cream
Hello everyone,
First of all, happy summer 2014 allergy festivals to all of us :) I have been dealing with allergies since I came back from vacation. The doctor was doing allergy medicine and antibiotic treatment, but as soon as the antibiotics were finished, my allergy suddenly peaked. Yesterday we went to the doctor again, this time they gave a single dose injection. The situation is better, but the mild headache and cough persist.
Already when things were literally piling up on me, not being able to lift my head due to allergies, the drugs I took made me sleep, which made my situation tragicomic :) I hope I will get rid of this situation soon.
No matter how much work I have, I decided to share a practical recipe because when I don't blog, I feel like I'm not doing anything.
No matter what you call sorbet (fine texture), granita (more crystallized texture), soft ice cream, fruit ice cream, it's a simple and delicious recipe.
If you don't like to eat leftover watermelon like me, instead of putting it back in the fridge, you can make cold desserts that are simply prepared with your favorite fruit or alone.
You can increase or decrease the amount of sugar according to the sweetness of the fruits. Those who pay attention to their form can prepare it without sugar and consume it with strained yoghurt between meals.
For dehydrated fruits, you can boil the pepper in a sherbet consisting of a measure of sugar and water, and add this sherbet to the fruits to create different flavors after passing them through the blender.
Yours ..
Ingredients for Watermelon Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe
- 250 g strawberries
- 250 g watermelon
- 1 tea glass of granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoons lemon juice
- Separate the stems of the strawberry and wash them in plenty of water.
- Slice the watermelon and remove the seeds.
- Take the fruits into the bowl of the food processor or blender. Add lemon juice and 1 tea glass of granulated sugar to the fruit and pass it through the blender.
- When there is no roughness in the fruit and the sugar melts, spread it in a flat and wide container and put it in the freezer.
- Crush the frozen fruit puree from the corners to the middle with a fork and let it crystallize.
- After resting in the refrigerator for 1 night, crush it again with a fork and serve by dividing it into cups with an ice cream spoon.
I just tried it, let's see how it goes :)