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How to make Watermelon Ice Drink Recipe? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 min, iced drinks, iced recipes, frozen, how to make frozen, watermelon drink, watermelon recipes, summer drinks, Drinks

Watermelon Ice Drink Recipe

Release Date: 06-07-2022
4 5 5 1

You can easily make frozen from many fruits and even vegetables. The logic is very simple; a mixture of fruit chilled in the refrigerator, ice and lemon juice, sweeteners such as granulated sugar or honey if you wish.

You saw that you sliced ​​the watermelon too much, you have ice in your hand. Add whatever you want in it and run it 😄

10 min

You know that I love the Tefal Eco Respect series. This trio also has a glass jug blender. This series is made of 65% recycled plastic, ecologically designed to reduce its impact on the environment. Its powerful 4W motor combined with 800 stainless steel blades and its thermal shock resistant glass jug allow you to both mix hot ingredients (up to 80°C) and crush ice without worry.

Tefal collaboration💕


Ingredients for Watermelon Ice Drink Recipe

  • 2 cups sliced ​​watermelon
  • 8-10 ice cubes (1 bowl)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 – 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  • optional 7-8 leaves of fresh mint


1. Clean the seeds from the watermelon slices and put them in the blender jar.
2. Add ice cubes, lemon juice and mint leaves on top.
3. Run the blender frequently in short intervals and ensure that all the ice is a homogeneous mixture with the watermelon.
4. Divide into glasses and serve cold.

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