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Watermelon Frozen

Release Date: 04-08-2017
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Hello Dear Friends,

I have a simple, delicious and refreshing recipe for the August heat :) In these hot days, one's mind is always thinking about fruity and ice-cold flavors. After the Practical Peach Yogurt Ice Cream, I am sure you will like this recipe as well.

refreshing drinks

You can easily make frozen from many fruits and even vegetables. The logic is very simple; a mixture of fruit chilled in the refrigerator, ice and optional sweeteners such as lemon juice, granulated sugar or honey.

It is enough to pass the desired amount of fruit and ice through the blender. Of course, if you don't trust your blender, what you need is crushed ice. There are machines that you can use manually for crushed ice at affordable prices, but it is not possible for everyone to have them at home.

For this reason, after putting the ice you bought from the freezer in a bag, you can break it by covering the bag with a towel and hitting it with a hard object. For example, it can be with a pestle or a roller.

In the meantime, if you freeze the fruit and prepare it, I think it will be very tasteless. Therefore, I recommend you to try it in the form of fresh fruit and ice.


Ingredients for Watermelon Frozen Recipe

  • 1 large slice of watermelon (1 tablespoonful)
  • 7-8 ice cubes (1 bowl)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optionally 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • optional 8-10 leaves of fresh mint


  1. Clean the seeds from the watermelon slices and put them in the blender jar.
  2. Add ice cubes, lemon juice, honey and mint leaves on top.
  3. Run the blender frequently at short intervals and ensure that all the ice is a homogeneous mixture with the watermelon.
  4. Divide into glasses and serve cold.

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"Watermelon FrozenOne comment on

  • on August 06, 2017 at 13:49

    A very good recipe for summer. A good comment on watermelon. Thank you.


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"Watermelon FrozenOne comment on

  • on August 06, 2017 at 13:49

    A very good recipe for summer. A good comment on watermelon. Thank you.


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