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Baked Waffles

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 4 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 15 min
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I know we all get mouth watering when we say waffles. It is amazing how a dough can be diversified with various sauces, desserts and fruits. Of course, when there are so many varieties, you can customize it according to your own taste. Even though I don't eat much, there are many people around me who love it. We usually eat waffles out. Since it is a dessert that I will rarely make at home, I have never bought it because it would be a waste of money and space to buy the machine.

20 DK

As much as I like and buy many products from the cities I visit to use in my photo shoots, I also buy while surfing the internet. While I was wandering around on Aliexpress again recently, looking for products that will work for me. A waffle tin caught my eye. It made more sense to buy the mold instead of buying the machine. The price is also quite affordable.

Artiway The product became even cheaper as I was able to get some payment back as a bonus with the shopping system. What is Artiway? if you say. It's a bonus system I've been using for a while, but it's not like the others. You buy the product and it immediately loads the bonus as well as the deal into your account. Card mart, no subscription fees.

The 5,50% cashback rate with Aliexpress made everything more attractive. And if you are already buying discounted products, discount on discount :)

Currently, it has agreements with 350 stores under many categories that sell on the web and it is constantly increasing.

With the bonuses I have accumulated, I buy plates and dishes and bring some shopping for free. If you do not want to buy a new product, you can withdraw your money in cash when 30 TL is accumulated in your account. Which bonus card pays cash? :)

The good thing is that you can do all of these from the place where you sit, without visiting the store.

I received a refund of 0,55 TL from this purchase, but the pattern I received is 10 TL. The good thing is that the bonus passes before I receive the product ;)

I say try it. If you become a member from this link, 10 TL is a gift from me to you :)

Where were we? After a while, I received the waffle mold I bought and I prepared the recipe that I shared with you below without wasting time. Believe me, that dough was so good that my wife's comment was "it's lighter than cream" :)

I think you can prepare this waffle with your children and have a fun time this weekend, as it is a fun dessert that children also love. It reached me in 10 days from Aliexpress, if you want, you can order it from the web.


Ingredients for Baked Waffle Recipe

  • 2 pieces of eggs
  • 290 g flour (2,5 cups)
  • A little more than 1,5 cups of milk
  • 1 tea cup oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor
  • 4 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar

For service:

  • 1 box of milk cream
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • Strawberry, Cherry, Apple
  • chocolate sauce


  1. For the waffle batter, take the egg in a deep and deep bowl and whisk lightly.
  2. Add the oil, milk, vanilla flavor and powdered sugar and continue beating.
  3. Add flour, salt, baking powder and whisk until all ingredients are mixed. (add more milk if needed)
  4. Grease the silicone waffle tin with oil and divide the waffle dough into the mould.
  5. Bake in the oven preheated to 185 degrees until the waffle swells and the tops are browned as in the photo.
  6. Put the cooked waffles on a wire and wait until they cool.
  7. To serve, add powdered sugar to the cream you have cooled in the refrigerator and fluff by whisking at high speed.

Serve the waffles with whipped cream, fresh fruit and chocolate sauce.

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