How to make Cherry Bread Dessert? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk ice cream classic recipes, ice cream recipes, ice cream flavors, ice cream desserts, bread dessert, summer recipes, Ice Cream Recipes

Cherry Bread Dessert

Release Date: 06-05-2012
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Now is the time for ice cream recipes. One of the most delicious and practical treats that can be prepared with ice cream is Cherry Bread Dessert.

You can prepare stylish recipes for your loved ones with practical recipes and small kitchen secrets. If you want, you can spice up these delicious treats with your Carte d'Or sauces.

Get your Carte d'Or and get to the right kitchen!

summer recipes

Ingredients for Cherry Bread Dessert Recipe

  • 10 slices of toast bread,
  • 5 tablespoons of butter or margarine (75g),
  • 750 g sour cherries,
  • 4 cups of granulated sugar (680g),
  • Carte d'Or Vanilla Ice Cream

How to Make Cherry Bread Dessert Recipe?

  1. Thinly cut the edges of the toasted breads and place them on a baking tray and lightly toast.
  2. While the breads are hot, apply oil on both sides and place them on the tray again.
  3. Remove the seeds of the cherries and put them in a saucepan with granulated sugar and 1 glass of water.
  4. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  5. Spread the cherries on the bread while they are hot. Preheat the oven at 170 C.
  6. Cook the breads until they absorb the water well.
  7. Transfer it to a serving plate with the help of a spatula and leave to cool.
  8. Serve with Carte d'Or Vanilla Ice Cream.

Bon Appetit.

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