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Ladybug Ivy Cake

Release Date: 26-05-2008
4 5 5 1

Hello Everyone,
Saturday was my beloved Elif's birthday. This ladybug ivy cake came out after Elva asked me to make a ladybug cake for her girlfriend. Happy birthday Elif… I realized that it is not that easy to make a cake from sugar dough. She takes a lot of effort, but when you look at the result, it seems to be worth it. I wanted to share with you the experiences that I think will be useful for friends like me who are just starting to deal with sugar dough. I will share with you the construction stages of the figures I made soon :)

ladybug cake

Ingredients for Ladybug Ivy Pie Recipe

2 packs of sponge cake
1 package of cherry chocolate pudding
1 pack of caramel cream
2 packs of milk chocolate


Pudding prepared according to the recipe is fed to each layer of the sponge cake and crushed chocolate chips are poured over it. The same process is continued until the ceiling of the sponge cake is placed. Cover the cake with the remaining pudding. Again, the cream made according to the recipe is spread thickly and evenly on the pudding. The dough is kept in the refrigerator until it opens. The sugar dough, which is opened on the counter, is covered on the cake and the previously made figures are stuck on the cake with the help of glucose or water. (of course, it's easy to tell, but if you see it while making a bidet.

Ladybug Cake


After many changes, the cake took its final shape, but it took a lot of work. I made the white part of the cake with the sugar dough I kneaded myself. I found this recipe on the internet as I wrote before, but I had to add extra powdered sugar in it. Now let me write you the problems I faced while making a cake from sugar paste.

1. The dough that I rolled myself ruptured very quickly. When I opened it with powdered sugar, it dried very quickly.

2. Since I couldn't put the sugar paste in the fridge and it covered it overnight, it sagged from the skirt parts in the morning.

3. If I had put it in the fridge, it would sweat and still tear and sag :S

4. I had to pass extra tape to the sides to gather the skirt parts.

5. The cream I used for the cake coating melted the sugar paste in places. I put flowers and ivy there again.

Well, at least he made it to his birthday safely. And he was well defeated. That's it from me for now. See you…


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Nilay Overalls

"Ladybug Ivy Cake9 comments for ”

  • on July 08, 2014 at 21:25

    The sugar paste melts when it comes into contact with the cream. For this reason, whatever you use for the inner material of the cake, make sure to make the outer edge of the layers and the outer coating of the cake with a dark ganache, friends. Thus, you will have a solid sugar paste cake. Fixed with experience :)

  • On April 26, 2013 at 00:45 PM

    Hello friends, I have been very interested in boutique cakes lately. But there is something I want to learn. After preparing this kind of cakes, it is necessary to keep them in the fridge or outside. Thanks in advance for the answers.

  • March 05, 2013 at 17:45

    hello, yes, your cakes are very beautiful, but friends, the problems encountered while making this cake are that using pastry cream on the outside of the cake, use only pastry cream on the inner filling of the cake, prepare a very thin strip of dark ganache on the outside and apply it, and it should be frozen the night before, so it should freeze well in the fridge. then take out the cake and cover it, see how it is covered properly :) good luck to everyone

  • On April 22, 2009 at 20:10 PM

    there are very good recipes, superr…

  • On January 03, 2009 at 18:53 am

    I love itmmmmmm even if I eat it :D

  • on May 30, 2008 at 12:46

    I couldn't go to the site because of the intensity. Reading the news on the internet for a few days is like checking my e-mails, I can't do without looking at this site every day.

  • on May 27, 2008 at 11:22

    the cake is very nice, gozukuyo
    but it seems like it takes a lot of effort

  • on May 26, 2008 at 20:28

    Nilay, first of all, thank you again for this beautiful and meaningful gesture.
    the taste of cake and ladybug :))) is still in our palate
    We have already advertised it to everyone, orders will come soon :))
    health in their hands

  • on May 26, 2008 at 15:53

    As the sponsor of the cake, I would like to thank him for this great favor and gift he gave me. Also, I would like to point out that you can't find the taste in patisseries or the galleries in Paris, it's a complete work of art, good luck bro...


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