How to make Salty Pancakes and Sunday Breakfast? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 MIN, sourdough, sourdough bread, old breakfasts, different breakfast foods, breakfast recipes, Breakfast foods, nutella, pan cake, pancake, how to make pancakes, Sunday breakfast, what should I prepare for Sunday breakfast, bagels, savory pancakes, recipes, For Breakfast

Salty Pancakes and Sunday Breakfast

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Greetings to everyone from a cold and snowy Monday...

On cold mornings like these, I like to prepare delightful breakfasts. I love making something new with little tweaks to familiar recipes. We mostly serve pancakes with honey, butter, nutella etc. for dessert. Since I love salty as well as sweet, I prepared savory pancakes with the ingredients I like to consume for breakfast.


Instead of serving it on top, I added these ingredients and served it with a small slice of full-fat cheese. You need to fold the pancakes while they are warm, as they cool, they will be difficult to fold and tear. In addition, they absorb the olive oil you drizzle on them like a sponge and they are incredibly delicious.


For me, breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day, but the importance I give to Sunday breakfasts is something else…

How can I explain the source of joy and peace? If I am at home, breakfast is accompanied by a good cartoon or a very old Turkish movie and newspapers waiting to be read next to me. After my breakfast is over, I stretch my feet and drink a pleasure tea.

If the weather is nice and we want to get sea air, I still prefer places where I can take my own preparations. It seems more sincere to me that way :)


This weekend, I both rested and traveled a lot :) My wife prepared sourdough bread, like every weekend. On Saturday, we took one of them as a gift when we were visiting. We cooked the other one on Sunday morning and made a sandwich by slicing it while it was still warm.


We had a breakfast in Çengelköy overlooking the magical view of Istanbul in Çınaraltı. There were so many beautiful shots that I wanted to share a couple of them with you. I plan to go to the same place with these pancakes in the coming weeks.

Sunday breakfast

If you are bored of preparing the same things in the morning For Breakfast category can give you new ideas.

Sourdough Bread recipe and Sourdough Sourdough You can visit here for the recipe.


Ingredients for Savory Pancakes and Sunday Breakfast Recipe

  • 1 water glass flour
  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 2 tea glass of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped green pepper
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped tomatoes
  • 3 tablespoons of finely chopped black olives
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (for the pan)

How to Make Salted Pancakes and Sunday Breakfast Recipe?

  1. Take the flour in a deep whisk. Add 1 egg and 2 tea glasses of milk and whisk.
  2. Add baking powder, salt and chopped ingredients to the material and whisk again.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the pan and heat it.
  4. Pour the prepared dough into the pan with the help of a large serving spoon or a small ladle.
  5. When the edges of the dough are separated from the pan, turn the other side and cook for another 30-40 seconds and remove from the pan.
  6. While it is hot, fold it into 4 and serve with cheese slices on it and drizzle with olive oil.


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